When are tryouts for Belmont Blasters?
Tryouts are held shortly after the Little League season has begun, and dates/times will be announced on this website once they are finalized. Younger teams generally hold open tryouts while older teams determine on a year-by-year basis what their tryout needs may be.
How much does it cost to play on the Blasters?
This can vary by team and is mostly determined by the number of tournaments your team enters during the season. The cost for the season will also include a fee for insurance, field access for practices/scrimmages, and other club-related costs. If selected to a team, your manager will go over the fees for the upcoming season with you.
What about playing time?
The Belmont Blasters is a competitive team. In general, there are no minimum play requirements, though some tournaments have their own rules about this. Coaches will set lineups based on their evaluation of the talent/skill level, effort and attitude of each player. Playing time is earned, not granted. Coaches will endeavor to provide as much varied playing experience as possible for each child while still being as competitive as possible. Our goal is to continue to develop players while striving to win, in a fun, learning environment.
For more information, click here to view the Belmont Blasters Players, Parents, Coaches Agreement.
Who donates to Belmont Blasters Baseball Club?
We welcome donations from many sources including parents, friends and relatives, members of the community, community businesses, and matching donations from employers.
How do I make a donation?
You are welcome to make a donation by check. Please deliver the check to any board member or drop off with your manager or coach. Please indicate specific team if you would like your donation to go to a specific team. All donation checks should be made out to Belmont Blasters.
Is my donation tax-deductible?
Yes! Donations are 100% tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Belmont Blasters Baseball Club is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (Tax Id 47-4275984). Ask your employer about company matching!
Which teams are coach-pitch and which are kid-pitch?
All 7U and 8U teams play in coach-pitch tournaments. From the 9U division and up, it is all kid-pitch. This is one of the reasons that our 8U teams do not typically play into the fall. Most tournaments that run after July 31st follow the USSSA calendar, which means that our 8U teams would have to compete in kid-pitch tournaments as a 9U team. We feel that it is in the kids' best interest to give them the fall and the following spring in Little League to prepare for kid-pitch.